30 Day Snap #2 | Vintage SLR Cameras

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Hello all wow its Sunday already, you know what that means tomorrow is Monday are you all ready for the week ahead?

So today is day two of Louise from SprinkleofGlitter’s 30 day snap. If you don’t know what it is then CLICK HERE for Louise’s explanation.  

So what have I been up to today then? This morning I got up extremely early (well extremely early for a University student), and went on a tour of Bewl Water Treatment Works owned by South East Water where I was shown how our water is treated and where it comes from in order  to make fit for our own use.

It was very informative and I learnt that on average I use 165 Litres of water a day which equates to 56p a day, less than the price of a print of milk (which is good as I don’t drink milk).

I also went on a shopping trip where I unfortunately did not buy anything but it did make me realise that I reallllly want a pair of mint green jeans. I saw a pair in an Abercrombie and Fitch outlet store today and all I can say is I was tempted, but unfortunately they ankle jeans and I cannot stand anything around my ankles :(

Canon A1 and AE1, Snap of The Day 

My Snap of The Day, comes from a visit to my uncle and aunt's house where they showed me some of their vintage cameras. I am completely in love with vintage film cameras, I think that they are so much fun to play and take pictures with.

What really gets me is the suspense that you get as you wait and see how the picture taken comes out, although one problem is that with these cameras I become incredibly trigger happy. Anyone else?

The main camera that you can see in the photo is a Canon A-1 and the one behind it is a Canon AE-1, they are both SLR Cameras. 

What have you all been up to today? And what do you think of vintage cameras? 

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